Page 17 - Enclosure_Spring-Summer_2023
P. 17

Thoughts from Newman
        Continued from previous page

        along with an array of excuses of why I did not meet the   Now you have made a commitment for the future, but
        first wag. And this can repeat, over and over by the time  is that really predicting it? Probably not, but at least there
        the glovebox actually ships. It is an exhausting process, to  is a plan that can be followed. It is up to you to make sure
        say the least.                                         things do not go astray and fall behind. Although, things
                                                               will surely go wrong, as it really is impossible to predict the
          It is easy to guess that something will eventually hap-
                                                               future and yet you are still stuck to your commitment. As I
        pen in the future, sooner or later it will, that is governed by
                                                               like to say, there comes a time in every project when you
        the laws of probability. If you keep going out and driving
                                                               must work all night or all weekend to get it done. This is
        drunk, I can easily predict that you probably will eventually
                                                               the time that you must adapt, improvise, and overcome, to
        get a DUI. Yes, I am sure we will ship your glovebox, but the
                                                               achieve that goal. And don’t forget about Parkinson's law
        question is when will it ship?
                                                               either, "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its
          The only way we can come close to predicting the out-  completion." That one will get you every time.
        come of a project, other than a wag, is to add in the science
                                                                 Somehow, sooner or later, we always seem to get it done.
        part of it. The first step is to figure out all the tasks that are
                                                               But, can we really predict the future? I say, not at all. Only
        required to complete the project. Break them down into
                                                               hard work will truly make you a future predictor. It is really
        small enough pieces that are easy to predict, and then you
                                                               about planning and organization and not a prediction at all.
        just add them all up, and voila, you can predict the future
                                                               Remember the 5 P’s “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Perfor-
        with a reasonable bit of accuracy. But even then, it will not
                                                               mance”, told to me by a former marine friend of mine. That
        be absolutely accurate. Things that you did not think about
                                                               is how you predict the future, with careful planning, a lot of
        can still go wrong. So, you add a little extra time in for the
                                                               determination and the will to get’er done. I think the only
        “just in case” things that can go wrong. Now you have a
                                                               future that we can truly predict would be death and taxes.
        prediction for when the glovebox will ship. But as usual,
                                                               But I will leave you with a future prediction; I’ll see you all in
        your prediction will be not acceptable. “We need it sooner
                                                               Las Vegas at the next AGS Conference. Ha Ha, pretty sure of
        than that,” your customer will yell, as they glare at you and
                                                               that one, because I bought a plane ticket already. But then,
        fist beat the table.
                                                               the plane could crash… v

        Summer 2023                                                              17
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