Page 14 - Enclosure_Spring-Summer_2023
P. 14

Thoughts from Newman

                                   Can We Predict the Future?

                                      By: John T. Newman, P.E.

            ow long will it take to ship my  about the soon coming of the end of  Thus, in my opinion, this is why it is im-
        Hglovebox? When will those draw-     the world in some form or another.  possible to truly predict the weather.
        ings  be  finished? What  time  will  you  The ways are vastly creative, whatever  Good thing predicting the outcome
        be home?  Will the lawn get mowed  man can dream up, from great floods,  of a glovebox project is not quite that
        by  tomorrow?  These  are questions  asteroids, alien invasion, Mayan calen-  complex. So, let the butterflies fly.
        that I get asked all the time. Every time  dar, Y2K, nuclear war, and the list goes   Although, I got to laugh at all these
        I turn around someone is asking me to  on and on.  You know, the common   climate zealots who run around yell-
        predict the future. If I could truly pre-  theme here, absolutely none of it has   ing about all the bad weather that will
        dict the future, I might be able to give  come true. At least not yet. Usually, it   happen a hundred years from now if
        an accurate answer. All I can really do  always comes down to some kind of   we do not immediately conform to
        is make a guess, or as I like to say, a  monetary  goal  for the  perpetrator.   their  ridiculous  ideas  of  eating  bugs
        “swag”  which  means  “scientific  wild  “But I’ve got the Christal Ball, he said,   because cows fart too much. Did you
        ass guess.” But, can we humans really  and held it to the light” (Frank Zappa,   notice that those telling us that the
        predict the future?                  Cosmik Debris, 1974).
                                                                                  oceans are rising are at the same time
          Some people say they can. All those   Then there are the weather predic-  buying multimillion-dollar beachfront
        self-proclaimed psychics will be hap-  tors. I got to say, they are getting bet-  properties? How can you believe any-
        py to tell you what your future holds,  ter at it, with all the technology we  thing  when  we  cannot  even  get  to-
        but only for a nominal service charge.  have, but they still cannot seem to  morrow’s forecast right? What a scam!
        If  they  could truly  predict  the future,  ever get it 100% right. And besides,  Uh oh, now I stepped in it, sorry, bear
                                                                                  with me while I get it off my shoe.
                                                                                  You know, it has always bothered me
        Good thing predicting the outcome of a                                    about this carbon dioxide thing. I got
                                                                                  to ask, how does the carbon dioxide
        glovebox project is not quite that complex.                               go up into the atmosphere, and cause
                                                                                  this so-called greenhouse effect,
                                                                                  when  it  is  heavier  than  air  and  does
        they would most likely be picking  I think there are way too many vari-   not rise at all? I think that the imme-
        lotto numbers and not bothering us.  ables that must be accounted for in  diate danger, would be all of us suf-
        Surely, that is what I would do.     order to accurately predict the out-  focating, way before the planet’s tem-
                                             come of most events like the weather.  perature rises, right? And, what is up
          There are  many  great prophecy
        sayers, like Nostradamus, that we    It is governed by “Chaos Theory” and  with this one-degree temperature rise
                                             “The Butterfly Effect.” Chaos theory is  thing anyway? How does that do any-
        are  always  trying  to  fit  our  current   an interesting branch of science and  thing?  Where I live the temperature
        situation to match their predictions.   mathematics that deals with the study  swings 80 to 100 degrees every year
        With a lot of interpreting, we like to   of apparently random or unpredict-  as we change from winter to summer.
        say they predicted this and that, but   able behavior in systems controlled  According to “the science” that I know,
        it never quite matches up.  Along    by known physical laws. The butterfly  this  is  caused  by  the  earth  tipping
        with  the writings in  the bible,  which   effect states that a butterfly can flap its  on  its  axes  by  a  few  degrees,  which
        are quite vague and up to many in-   wings in Africa and eventually cause  changes the amount of sunshine that
        terpretations by the reader.  And all   a tornado in Oklahoma - recognizing  we get. Pretty sure it has nothing to do
        the end-of-the-world predictors are   that very small changes in a large com-  with the carbon dioxide level in the
        continuously spewing their chicken   plex system can have a huge effect on  air. One-degree temperature rise is in
        little “the sky is falling” babble. All my   the outcome of a particular system.  the noise. The planet will be fine, it is
        life there has been a constant drone

                                                                                                     continued on page 16
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