Page 5 - Enclosure_Spring-Summer_2023
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The Enclosure
Dan Payne
President’s Message Advertising Manager
Crissy Willson
By: Paul Contreras Design and Production
Tony Monaco
American Glovebox Society
The Enclosure is published for the
ell, we are rapidly approaching will be implementing our new digital benefit of the glovebox engineering
Wour annual Conference as anoth- library. This will provide the industries profession serving nuclear, biomed,
er AGS year, and my term as President we serve with an option to purchase ac- pharmaceutical, semi-conductor,
is nearing the end. It has been an honor cess to secure PDFs of our Guidelines aerospace technology, and other in-
and privilege to serve as President of and Standards in a subscription-based dustries.
the American Glovebox Society (AGS) format. Hard copies of Standards and Circulation: Our continually increas-
for my second term. Throughout my ca- Guidelines will continue to be avail- ing circulation is now at 3,100 copies.
We have subscribers throughout the
reer, serving on the Board of Directors able. In addition, this year we con- United States, Canada and around
has been an exceptional experience tinued to work on the update of the the world.
that has given me the opportunity to Guidelines for Gloveboxes and we are Readership: Glovebox designers, us-
meet and work with a diverse group of nearing completion. ers, engineers, fabricators, manufac-
people. Our members have a tremen- turers, suppliers, contractors, librar-
dous range of knowledge in the nucle- I encourage you to stay connected ies, and universities.
ar and pharmaceutical industries. This with AGS throughout the year. You Advertising: Deadlines for display ads
are: March 1st & September 1st. All
helps in keeping everyone inspired can do this by following us on social rights reserved: Material may be re-
and up-to-date with the latest technol- media - LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twit- produced or republished with credit
ogy and developments in the industry. ter. If you’re interested in sharing your to source and author (when indicated).
expertise and process knowledge to Submittals: All letters, articles and
I have also enjoyed the comrad- help in the Standards Development photographs are welcome and
ery that is built within the Society as a Committee, Craig Johnson and Patrick should be directed to the AGS office,
whole. Our annual Conference pro- Westover have an opportunity and a editor’s attention. Material will not
be returned unless accompanied by
vides a wonderful opportunity to net- spot open for you. Being part of the a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
work and learn from each other. Serv- Standards Development Committee is Disclaimer: The information con-
ing on the Board of Directors and the a helpful way to involve yourself with tained herein is correct to the best of
Standards Committee expands this our Society. our knowledge. Recommendations
opportunity. This leads me to express and suggestions are made without
my gratitude to all Board of Directors Looking forward to seeing everyone guarantee or representation as to
the result since conditions of use are
(BOD) and Standards Development in Las Vegas, Nevada from July 24-27, beyond our control. The contents are
Committee (SDC) members who vol- 2023, for the annual AGS Conference intended as a source of information.
unteer their time and efforts to help the being held, at the Luxor Resort & Ca- Opinions, beliefs and viewpoints ex-
Society maintain its focus on promot- sino. This year’s training is focusing pressed by the various authors do not
ing the safety and quality of glovebox on “Advancing the Glovebox Industry: necessarily reflect the opinions, be-
systems. Through the development of Knowledge Transfer, Standardization, liefs, and viewpoints of the American
Guidelines and Standards, along with Technology, and Innovation.” Your Glovebox Society.
presentations at the Conference, our Officers and Board of Directors have The Enclosure is published by:
American Glovebox Society
members disseminate their specialized been working diligently to provide 526 So. E Street
knowledge in the field of glovebox/iso- high-quality educational and network- Santa Rosa, CA 95404
lator systems. Thank you, everyone. ing opportunities to make this a fulfill- Tel.: (800) 530-1022 or (707) 527-0444
ing Conference. I would like to person- Fax: (707) 578-4406
This will be a monumental year for ally say Thank You Team, you’ve done a E-mail:
AGS as we will release an updated ver- Great Job! v Website:
sion of our fire protection standard and Postmaster: Send address changes to:
American Glovebox Society
526 So. E Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Summer 2023 5