Page 14 - Enclosure Fall-Winter 2023-24
P. 14

Thoughts from Newman

                                       The Subject Matter Expert

                                        By: John T. Newman, P.E.

              hat in the heck is a Subject Mat-  would be only relative to you, not ev-  ask,  but  they  seem to  be  worshiped
        Wter Expert (SME)? Is this an offi-  erybody. And, what makes a skill spe-  like gods by most people in the orga-
        cially appointed position or a self-pro-  cial, or when is something considered  nization.  When an SME makes a de-
        claimed position? Does one have to  to be mastered? Does that mean I can  cree, it is to be followed without ques-
        pass a test, meeting some minimum  do it with my eyes closed? See, there  tion by all. Obviously, this is a problem
        requirements  of an  SME Standards  are all these questions.              for me. Ha ha, read the previous para-
        Association?  I’m totally confused?    My  definition  of  an  expert  was  al-  graph again.
        When I got my Professional Engi-     ways this;  A has-been that gives a    When  you  work  on  a  project  for
        neer’s license, I had to prove that I had   spurt under pressure. Kind of a slang  these organizations, the scope of work
        achieved the minimum required for-   definition and sort of true, but it will  usually includes a long list of data sub-
        mal engineering degrees, prove that   usually get a chuckle. Besides, I always  mittals that go along with the project.
        my many years of related work experi-  thought running around proclaim-   These submittals are mostly about
        ence met the minimum requirements,   ing to be an expert about something  proving the integrity of the equip-
        accumulate   multiple   professional  seemed to be a little arrogant.     ment that you are shipping and prov-
        peer references, pass an excruciating-                                    ing conformance to the long list of
        ly hard test, and then be approved by   Why am I even talking about this?   Codes and Standards, also included
        national  and  state committees.  Only  Well, it’s always been in my nature   in  the  specification,  as  requirements
        then was I officially allowed to call my-  to question authority. I’m not sure   for the project. Once submitted, most
        self an Engineer.                    where it came from, but I’ve been    of them must be reviewed and ap-
                                             that way all my life. Deep down, I did
          How  does  one  reach the  status  of                                   proved by the Subject Matter Expert
        becoming an SME? I don’t know. In    not trust authority to be right without   for the subject of the submittal.  The
                                             question. I never could just blindly
        fact, what does it take to become con-                                    job of these experts is to verify that
                                             run off and do something just be-
                                                                                  the said submittal meets the require-
                                                                                  ments dictated in the specification for
                                                                                  the project. Unfortunately, this usually
        My definition of an expert was always this;                               evolves into meeting all the intimate
                                                                                  details of one or all the listed Codes
        A has-been that gives a spurt under pressure.                             and Standards instead of meeting the
                                                                                  actual functional requirements for the
                                                                                  project. You see, the SMEs know these
        sidered an expert in anything? The of-  cause someone in authority told me   Codes and Standards inside and out,
        ficial definition of an expert from the   to. Thus, is why I figured I could never   way more than any normal human.
        Merriam-Webster Dictionary is: “one   survive in the military.              Submittals routinely get rejected for
        with the special skill or knowledge                                       not meeting code requirements that
        representing mastery of a particular   Nowadays, every large organization   do not even apply to the project. Then
        subject.” I guess if you add Subject  has a whole staff of SMEs. They come   it turns into a back-and-forth process
        Matter in front, then it would mean  in all shapes and sizes. There are SMEs   of submittal and re-submittal that can
        expert  in  a  specific  subject.  Hmmm,  for just about any conceivable subject,   take weeks/months and countless
        it sounds a bit nonquantifiable to me.  including all the major disciplines: me-  hours to get through.  This can be-
        Or perhaps relative would be a bet-  chanical, electrical, structural, piping   come a daunting process, to say the
        ter word, meaning that I’m better than  (ASME B31,3), welding, quality, etc. I   least.  The SMEs don’t seem to have
        you at a particular skill, so that would  don’t know how these organizations   any  budget  restrictions  and  have  no
        make me an expert, maybe? But that  choose an SME and never bother to
                                                                                  qualms about spending endless time
                                                                                                     continued on page 16
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