Page 5 - Enclosure Fall-Winter 2023-24
P. 5

The Enclosure
                                                                                                 Dan Payne
                                  President’s Message                                      Advertising Manager

                                                                                                 Crissy Willson
                                  By: Greg Wunderlich                                     Design and Production

                                                                                                 Tony Monaco
                                                                                          American Glovebox Society
           he John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge is an engineering work of art as it    The Enclosure is published for the
                                                                                        benefit of the glovebox engineering
        Tspans the Ohio River and connects Ohio and Kentucky. It was completed in       profession  serving  nuclear,  biomed,
        1866 and spans just over 1000 feet. It was the longest suspension bridge in the   pharmaceutical,  semi-conductor,
        world until the Brooklyn Bridge, also designed by Mr. Roebling, was complet-    aerospace technology, and other in-
        ed 17 years later in 1883 and spanned almost 1600 feet. The John A. Roebling    dustries.
        Bridge is historic in design and construction and is a National Historic Landmark   Circulation:  Our continually  increas-
                                                                                        ing circulation is now at 3,100 copies.
        and Historic Civil Engineering landmark. The location of the most recent AGS    We have subscribers throughout the
        Standard Development Committee meetings was held within a 10-minute walk        United States, Canada and around
                                                                                        the world.
        from this historic bridge.
                                                                                        Readership: Glovebox designers, us-
          I had the opportunity to attend some of the Standard Development Commit-      ers, engineers, fabricators, manufac-
                                                                                        turers, suppliers, contractors, librar-
        tee meetings as they worked through AGS-G001 (Guideline for Gloveboxes) and     ies, and universities.
        AGS-G010 (Standard of Practice for Glovebox Fire Protection). In their own right,
                                                                                        Advertising: Deadlines for display ads
        these documents will be historical, and those involved in their development will   are:  March  1st  &  September  1st.  All
        be recorded. I had a feeling of appreciation and pride in seeing everyone in-   rights reserved: Material may be re-
        volved in this organization, from the Standard Development Committee to the     produced or republished with credit
                                                                                        to source and author (when indicated).
        Board of Directors to the Officers, giving four years of service to the organization.   Submittals: All letters, articles and
        Everyone is continuing to lay a foundation in the history of engineering that will   photographs are welcome and
        be used in industry to provide safe guidelines and standards for the design, fab-  should be directed to the AGS office,
                                                                                        editor’s attention. Material will not
        rication, testing, and installation of enclosures.                              be returned unless accompanied by
                                                                                        a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
          We have several goals for this year: (1) the update and release of the AGS-G001   Disclaimer: The information con-
        guideline and AGS-G010 standard of practice, (2) the release of all of the AGS   tained herein is correct to the best of
        guidelines and standards in electronic format, and (3) the completion of the 3-5   our knowledge. Recommendations
                                                                                        and suggestions are made without
        year strategic plan for the AGS to ensure continued growth of the organization,
                                                                                        guarantee or representation as to
        to foster increased participation in various capacities, and to improve knowledge   the result since conditions of use are
        capture, sharing, and discovery.                                                beyond our control. The contents are
                                                                                        intended as a source of information.
          As part of our goals for this year, I am very excited to announce that we finally   Opinions, beliefs and viewpoints ex-
        released the long-awaited NEW! Digital Access to Guidelines and Standards based   pressed by the various authors do not
                                                                                        necessarily  reflect  the  opinions,  be-
        on a tiered user model ranging from one, 3, 5, and 10 to unlimited users. This in-  liefs, and viewpoints of the American
        cludes one year of digital access (from the date of purchase) to all AGS Guidelines   Glovebox Society.
        and Standards and is facilitated through the LockLizard WebViewer or the down-     The Enclosure is published by:
        loaded LockLizard viewer. For more information, see the online AGS store at glove-  American Glovebox Society
                                                                                                526 So. E Street This is another historic offering that AGS is pleased to provide.     Santa Rosa, CA 95404
                                                                                         Tel.: (800) 530-1022 or (707) 527-0444
          Thank you for allowing me to be president for a second term, for participating       Fax: (707) 578-4406
        in this society, and for being a member. Although we will not be around as long as   E-mail:
        the John A. Roebling Bridge, 157 years and counting, we are making a difference   Website:
        and a profound impact on society as we support the mission-critical needs of safe   Postmaster: Send address changes to:
        enclosures. As always, if you have an interest in providing additional help to the   American Glovebox Society
                                                                                                526 So. E Street
        society, reach out to anyone on the Standards Development Committee or Board          Santa Rosa, CA 95404
        of Directors. Have a wonderful and safe 2024 AGS season. v

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